How to cancel ticket of Japan Airlines

How to cancel your reservations on Japan Airlines


Already booked your reservations with Japan Airlines? And now worried about the process for cancelling your reservations? Well, don’t worry as you cancel your reservations in an easy way by using manage booking option of the airline. So, today in this article, you will be provided with the detailed procedure on how to cancel ticket of Japan Airlines. You are just required to follow the simple instructions provided for instant cancellation and quick refund.


Steps to cancel reservations on Japan Airlines


  • For cancelling your reservations on Japan Airlines, you need to launch the airline website.

  • After that, you need to navigate to manage booking option and click on change/cancel option.

  • Further, you are required to scroll down the screen and select online flight cancellation option.

  • Then, you need to enter your last name and first name in the provided field.

  • Thereafter, enter your travel date, flight number, reservation number with the airline.

  • After filling all the details click on Search option to retrieve your reservation.

  • Once your booking is retrieved, you can easily cancel your reservation by clicking on Cancel option.

  • Further, you need to confirm the same by clicking on Continue when a prompt appears for cancellation.

  • Once done, you will be provided with the cancellation details which you can use further for claiming the refund.


And with the completion of this process, your simple query on how to cancel ticket of Japan Airlines is solved.


However, if you still face issues, while cancelling your reservations, you can reach out to airline customer service to get desired assistance for cancelling the Japan Airlines reservations.